Along with hundreds of fellow tourists, we positioned ourselves for the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace this morning. In fact, we nabbed a great spot right in front, at 9:30 — an hour-and-a-half early, per Baumgaertel Time.
While we waited, I snapped photos of these guys:
After about an hour, an official walking by announced to all that there would be no guard change today. However, if we stuck around for another 10 minutes, we’d see a “special person” arrive.
“Not the queen,” said the guy. “But someone else.” Clearly he couldn’t say who…but Jim and I speculated as we waited. Charles? William? Archie?
Time passed.
We waited.
A big van drove in through the gate. Inside were several Beefeaters.
More time passed. We tired of waiting. Then, action! Marching up the street was the Queen’s horse guard.
Finally, we decided that whoever the special person was likely arrived in the van with the Beefeaters. Or sneaked in the back door?
Giving up, we found a coffee shop.
Next was a tube ride to the British Library, where Isaac Newton measures the universe:
Inside, Jim and I found treasures: ancient Bibles, Shakespeare folios, the Magna Carta. Also, precursors to social media called “Friendship Albums” and ancient maps. Sadly, Beowulf was off-exhibit.
Home for a nap, then out one more time for a walk across the Millennial Bridge and a glimpse of the Old Globe, we now watch BBC news in our room.
Tomorrow is British Museum, where we will try to remember our World History and the Bible studies. Ashurbanipal, anyone?