Heilan Coos and Rumpledethump

We’re in the Highlands, people.

You need to know that I was the first to spot Heilan Coos, those ginger-colored, shaggy, big-horned cows this region is famous for. Sadly, spotting them involved exclaiming “there’s one!” from our moving car, not walking up to them in an open field. Maybe tomorrow.

Jasper ate Rumpledethump at the Bridge of Orchy Hotel, and declared it quite tasty. Hotel below, also bridge and Jim:

Driving along the “high road”, we saw several of my favorite signs. Finally, I asked Jim and Jessica to get a picture so I could share it with you:

At Glencoe Visitor’s Center, I bought myself a pair of raspberry-pink gloves because it is very, very cold here. Also there, we read that “it is a shame when visitors leave the Highlands without getting their shoes dirty.” Not to be shamed, we took a hike:

Now we sit in our Airbnb in Fort William, overlooking Loch Linnhe. The sun has set behind the mountain. We’ve eaten Indian food from the grocery store. Tomorrow is another high road drive to Arisag, then back to Edinburgh for the last night in Scotland.

I’ll leave you with pretty flowers:


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2 Responses to Heilan Coos and Rumpledethump

  1. Anna says:

    And what may be this Rumpledethump?

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