Coffee Fail, Wensleydale, and Our Castle Tale

Our morning began with an epic coffee fail and a unanimous resolution to walk the six minutes to a coffee shop and buy it tomorrow. Moka pot produced three half-cups for the three coffee drinkers, then took over 40 minutes to not make any more. But, Wensleydale cheese with almond croissants and potato scones made for a tasty breakfast. Then, we walked to the castle.

Edinburgh Castle is at one end of the Royal Mile, and Holyrood House at the other. Hoofing it from our flat dumped us somewhere in the middle of the mile, whence we turned uphill and climbed to the castle gates.

A stronghold of Scottish independence, the castle sits imposingly atop a rocky bluff. Its gates are flanked by William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, and inside are the Scottish crown jewels, lots of swords, lots of guns, lots of cannons, and stained glass. Also, Mary, Queen of Scots. Unfortunately, she wasn’t taking questions or posing for the tourists while we were inside the Great Hall, but if we had stayed awhile, she may have.

And, there were cannons! One great big one is named “Mons Meg”, described as “the great iron murderer.” This was not her:

We wanderers scooted over to the Crown Jewels, as I had read it is best to see those first thing, before the throng gets in line. Indeed, it was. Afterwards, we needed coffee (because of the fail) and scones (because we’re in the UK). Jasper explained the controversy concerning clotted cream vs jam (which goes on first?) so we took his lead and agreed jam is best atop cream, not the other way around.


After we were satisfied with our castle experience, we wandered down the Royal Mile, which is an excellent wandering experience. Strolling, shopping, eating (again) – what more could there be to a pleasant day in Edinburgh?

Well, there could be climbing Arthur’s Seat, which these two did. They made it “ten meters below the top” in their non-hiking attire before declaring it “good enough”:

Jim and I trekked for home and took our naps. Now we wait for pizza to be delivered. Tonight is either a board game or a movie, or both, and tomorrow we journey to Stirling and Falkirk.

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