Hike #1: The Missing Cabin and The Hidden Valley

Because she is her father’s daughter, Jessica is the classic trip planner.  Her Googledocs spreadsheet, which she had emailed to us months before, listed activities we could choose from, including named hiking trails and potential restaurants.  But first, there would be lolling.

Friday morning, after a late arrival Thursday and several rounds of hugs and kitty cuddles, we commenced lolling.  Lolling in Jessica and Jasper’s resort was just what we four needed after our pandemic separation.   We caught up.  We watched the landscapers plant new plants.  We made fast friends with Tesla and treated Faraday like the cat he is.  Jessica and I perused “The Pie Book” to choose one for later in the visit.  Jasper BBQ’d pork ribs (ohmygoodness!), roasted vegetables, and corn-on-the-cob.  Jessica made Margaritas from scratch. Later that evening, Jasper lit the fire table, and we ate s’mores.  Friday was lolling at its best.

However, we’re not ones to sit around much and we had chosen the “missing cabin + hidden valley” hike for Saturday. J&J, it must be noted, had hiked their way through the pandemic and knew the most appropriate adventures for their “sea level parents.”  This first one began in the caldera; easily one of our favorite NM places, and not far from the Thrussell Resort in White Rock.

We drove to Valle Caldera where we pottied and got our bearings. Then, we walked right past the Missing Cabin.  Here ’tis — built for the movie called The Missing.  Haven’t seen it; probably won’t.  Picturesque, though.

After that bit there were some uphill bits, but then a mostly shady trek along the river.

See those little clouds?

We entered Hidden Valley.

We moseyed along.

We stopped to admire.  I photographed a dragon fly.

We took pictures.

These sweethearts took selfies.

And then we hiked out of the hidden valley and back to our car.  I must say — again — how much we love the caldera…and our people.

Next up on the “to do in New Mexico list”: night sky photography.

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2 Responses to Hike #1: The Missing Cabin and The Hidden Valley

  1. Jessica says:

    Yay!!!! Gorgeous pictures, Mom!

  2. Thanks for the hike, honey! You guys are terrific guides.

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