Yippee! Yahoo! Yay! Yellow.

Letter Y was a tad overshadowed by the big thing downstairs, but we managed to do it justice.

Yellow:  bananas, lemons, sunshine, bendable figures.  Highlighters!

All the while, the big thing was downstairs.  Under a blanket.  Opa kept wandering out the back door, ostensibly to check the weather (which was drizzly).

Miss Nomi, who can’t spell but knows the concept of adults doing so in her presence, was on high alert.  At one point, she nonchalantly said something about “the car.”

“Why did you say that?” asked her mommy.

“I saw the picture on the box,” replied she who notices much, even a little picture on the side of a big box which had been otherwise camouflaged with cardboard.

Drizzle stopped, Opa’s briefing completed, shoes and jackets on, we headed to the racetrack/ back lawn.

Instead of 2+ hours of drivers’ training, we were stymied by a rapidly-dying battery.  Opa thinks he’s got it fixed, so next week — dry grass and Lord willing — we shall pick up where we stopped:  acceleration and steering around the dirt pile.  Plus, the taking of passengers:  three kids, two seats, 130 pound weight limit.  So far, we’re good on all counts.


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