“You” are My Favorite Grandparent

Sliding back into preschool mode this week, we picked up with Letter “U” for under-the-radar, umbrella and “you” — as in “you are my favorite grandparent.”  Truly, Opa and I never vie for their affection, yet the very second our tots disembark from their car seats they designate a grandparent for the day.  On this day Mr. Mo chose me; the ladies picked Opa.  We’re cool with that. Children are capricious.

Perhaps Mr. Mo needed more tenderness than teasing, as he was sheepish from being shorn the night before. (Doesn’t he have a nicely rounded noggin?  Oma kissed it often.)

Those ladies though:  Opa – come play in my rooooom!  Opa – come walk through the woods!  Opa – catch me!  Opa – (leading him to the hammock) tell me a story!  Opa!  Opa!  Opa!

Opas — as they are quite like Daddys except older and squishier — generally don’t lay down the law or toss rowdy bandits in the hoosegow.  Nope.  Opas don’t make you check your sidearm at the gate, clean up after your steed, or pay your saloon tab upon request. Opas don’t demand you chuck your trash into the bin, wear rain jackets outside, or eat just one more carrot stick. Opas don’t supervise potty parties. Opas get to disappear while you eat your grub and reappear for dessert. Opas get to facilitate after-nap entertainment, and even provide a spacious, comfy lap for viewing Toy Story. Opas help with the acquisition of “theater snacks all around!” and then follow directions for wrapper disposal (“give this to Oma”).

Opas get thanked for having you visit and lauded from the car window as your mommy drives away (“Oma!  Tell Opa I love him!”)

Next week, Lord willing, we’ll explore “V” for “volcano, vegetables” and “very” – as in “who’s the ‘very’ special grandparent this week, huh?”

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