Birthday Girl!

Our sweet, spunky Emiline turned three this week.  Respecting social distancing, Opa and I bought an essential balloon bouquet and partied in her backyard.

Thanks to the floral department at my fave grocery chain, which had the goods ready for my quick pickup. *Dash into store…grab waiting balloons…pay…dash out to the car*  It only took two phone calls and many minutes on hold, but crucial mission accomplished — because one cannot celebrate turning three without balloons.

Opa positioned himself in the backyard while the three-year-old woke up from her nap and came outside.  Balloons are always a hit, especially if you’re groggy and Daddy gives you a big birthday hug.

Another hit is the discovery of the neatest outdoor toy  — a bar for hanging upside down.

Oh, the joy!


Big three-year-old girls also love little goodies from cousins.  Yes, calculators look even cooler through a huge magnifier.

Sadly, Opa and I couldn’t stay for cupcakes.  We’ve been planning the BIGGEST family BIRTHDAY party for all the ones we’ve had to neglect in March and April. Get ready, Aunties Amy and Jenny, Uncle Matt, Mommy Erin, and Opa.  It’s gonna be grand.

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