The Flat Crew Takes Charge

Yesterday — Sunday –the Flat Crew took charge of the House Crew’s small people whilst the mommies, daddies, and an uncle traipsed around London. Our preschoolers enjoyed both a change of venue and some “new” stuff to play with.

Particularly fun were the cards Oma copied and laminated the morning we departed.  (She scored with that one!)

And also some peculiar, bendable figures which made for terrific “hide-and-find” objects.  Of course, the preschoolers hid them in the same places over and over again — in shoes, under bedspreads, on the tub.  Flats are smaller than houses, to be sure, yet one figure remains at large.

Naturally, anything Auntie Jenny does is popular, especially if the thing involves her phone or her scooter.

We are not against screen time during these times, nor do we remove binkies as we would at home.  Both promote idyllic, peaceful moments, however brief.

Eventually, aunt Jessica and new-uncle Jasper dropped by with armloads of leftover snack food, drinks, and a dozen wedding cupcakes on their way to their mini-moon.   We are not going hungry in these parts. Our goodbyes may have been slightly chaotic, as OmaOpa were bundling those littles for the walk across the street to their napping place, but we shall meet again in August.

For the reminder of the day, the photography portion of my photojournalism skills lapsed, so picture this:

  1. Little people who didn’t nap as well as their caretakers thought they should, could, or would have at home.
  2. Oma sending Opa out to McDonalds for kid meals so they wouldn’t have to brave the rain and wind to take those little ones to dinner.
  3. McDonalds kid meal toys, which were “mugs” with holes in the bottom (?) to prevent drinking from, but made terrific bath toys.
  4. Three naked tots in a tub of icy water.
  5. Icy because the hot water heater had mysteriously decided to shut down, but Opa managed to get it going again.
  6. Tepid water at last, but past the window of happy-bath opportunity.
  7. Bribing tots into their jammies when they’d rather run naked, cold, and screaming gleefully throughout the house.
  8. Reading Bible stories to the ladies while Mr. Mo teased Opa.
  9. Miss Em informing me that I did NOT read Goliath’s part correctly. “Stop! You didn’t read it right!”  “How should I read it?”  “Like this *scowls*.” After a few more failed attempts on my part, Opa chimed in with his best gruff voice.  He received her approval.  Harumph.
  10. Two minutes prior to my “time for bed!” announcement, the mommies and daddies walked in from their London venture, and the Flat Crew returned to their flat.
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