Horton Finds His Whos Down in E-ville

HORTON HEARD some Whos down in E-ville this week, folks.  HAVING another H-activity to attend in the HARBOR later with their Aunty Jenny, the three Little Whos took preschool on the road for a rollicking Letter H day.

E-ville, as some might know, is particularly lovely in the autumn.  Befitting a HIKE through leaf-cluttered trails, the Whos gathered golden bunches.  “Let’s make a big pile and jump in it!” suggested Miss Nomi, who promptly forgot her own suggestion and asked Oma to hold her leafy bouquet.

Oma politely declined, HOWEVER – and Oma doesn’t know HOW, exactly – she did end up carrying not one but two bouquets, Mr. Mo, and her camera until she could locate the wagon.  (Oma can sympathize with Horton who, as you’ll remember, was HOUNDED by two kangaroos, three bears, and an eagle with a black bottom as he HUNTED through 3,000,000 clovers to find those Whos on their dust speck.  Ahem.  HORTON, we lack spine!)








This day, Letter H was for HIPPO, HELICOPTER, HAND, and HAIR.  The Who’s first task was to pronounce the /h/ sound, whereupon they all replied “ha ha ha ha!”  Next, they they drew faces on paper bag HEADS and practiced their cutting skills.

Alas, the Who who can operate scissors didn’t want to, and the Who who can’t refused HELP, so we moved on to HAND cookies.  (This little Who just wanted to read his Bible:)









Hand cookies are a thing, apparently.  Pioneer Woman makes them, Pinterest loves them — Who knew?  Not Oma, who had tried and failed to purchase a hand-shaped cookie cutter that very morning.  “Those must be seasonal,” said the  HELPFUL-but-not-really store lady.  “They should be right over there.  Nope, they’re not.  Where could they be? Where else could you go?  Marshalls?  Target?”

Oma finally thanked her for the fifty-third time and got outa there with her canned frosting and other necessities.









Sans cutter, Oma used a dull knife while the Whos HELD their HANDS very still on the dough.

Speaking of HANDS, since Miss Nomi, Miss Em, and Mr. Mo love to paint, Oma thought that HANDPRINTS seemed a good idea.  Indeed, it was.

As Horton would say, a person’s a person, no matter how small.  However, when the small persons outnumber the adult persons and painting time descends into chaos, it’s time to call it an early day.  So, Oma HOSED down those Whos and made tracks for HOME.  Bye-bye, Little Whos.  Oma loves you.  Next week we’ll make igloos for iguanas.




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