Fishies and Forgiveness: The Letter “F”

Mrs. M walked into our classroom last Tuesday and explained that she’d dreamt about me the night before: I was a second-grade teacher!  This is hilarious for several reasons, not the least of which was my inability to think of any preschool-appropriate Letter “F” words.  FLUORINE?  FABRICATION?  FLORIDA? FOCAL point?

But, dear readers, you will be relieved to know that after yet another quick Pinterest search, this high school English teacher discovered several very good words which do indeed begin with “F”:  FROG, FOOT, FOX, FIRETRUCK, FISH.  Yay for me!  We were in business.

Our morning began with a bowl of cereal and a bit of playtime while we waited for Miss Em to arrive. Miss Nomi decided that she wanted to “pretend I’m a bad person”, which for her meant collecting a FARE from ones who wished to go up or down the stairs.  This sounded wrong to me.

However, I had FORGOTTEN that Opa’s Bible lesson, which he and I had rehearsed earlier, involved me grabbing a toy from him and then asking for FORGIVENESS for being a bad person.  So, there ya go.

As is our custom, after practicing letter/sound recognition for 15-30 seconds (hooray for preschool attention spans!), we incorporated our letter with an art project.  Truly, this part of preschool helps with both their cognition and my ability to swiftly and skillfully squirt paint into a muffin tin while the mommies drew FISHIES on a long piece of banner paper.  Don’t you love those artsy Mommies?

Next came cooking class.  Today we pulled the last of the donut dough out of the fridge and whipped up some FISH loaves, complete with craisen eyes and colored sugar.

(Ahem.  “F” also begins FOCAL point and mine is off.  Miss Em is not blurry in real life).

We baked our FISH loaves, added a turkey roll-up and a FROND of lettuce for color, and enjoyed our FOOD. Clearly, I am now quite carried away with Letter “F”.

FINALLY, the downpour let up just long enough for a FALL walk to the cul de sac and some puddle jumping. Miss Em had the most FUN, as she is undeniably the most FROLICKSOME of the three, and the only one needing to change her FROCK before nap.

After nap always comes special movie time on Opa’s lap.  In keeping with our Letter F theme we had chosen “Nemo”, whose mother and siblings all die before his birth, whose FATHER is nearly a shark snack, and whose escape from the dentist’s office is FROUGHT with peril.  What kind of grandparents are we, anyway?



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