The Letter “C”: By the CAT

The sun was not hot,

It was too COLD to play

So they stayed in the house

To have preschool that day.


I knew they would COME

As they usually do,

Very early for CORN flakes,

Plus a sausage or two.


I looked!

Then I saw them step in on the mat!

I looked!

And I saw them!

CUZ I am the CAT.


“I know –let’s play CARS!  CAN we play in my room?”

No, no! said my Oma,

It’s time for preschool.

Today is Letter C,

Now isn’t that COOL?


So they sat at the table

And heard about CALEB,

Who spied out the land

And then entered CANAAN.



Made a “C” on some paper,

Glued COTTON balls down —

Before starting their CAPER.



Those start with a “C”,

The CHILDREN CRIED, “yippee!”

CUZ they COULDN’T see me.


You see, I am wary

Of people so short

They jump and they bump —

All they do is CAVORT.


I growl and I hiss,

I stalk, and I hide,

I glare at their faces;

At times we COLLIDE.


But!  I found a place special

Way up on the CABINET

A secret, safe CORNER

Away from an accident.


What they don’t know –

Is I am right above them!

Watching them stir

And lick — such mayhem!


But when it’s all over

And they’re gone for the day

I jump down to join Opa

Who then hits the hay.


We snuggle, we two

On his chair that is red

Me on his arm,

Him stroking my head.


It’s been such a trial

These Thursdays, for sure.

I never know quite

How I come to endure.

Alas, I’m the CAT.

I’ve been here the longest.

Though if there were a battle,

I would lose the CONTEST.

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One Response to The Letter “C”: By the CAT

  1. Sarah says:

    I LOVE this!!!

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