Crafts, cookies, hot dogs, a fair, bike rides: Sleepover with the E’s

Me, Sunday afternoon:

Without carrying my analogy too far, please, notice the closed eyes…the contented smile…the nose pressed solidly into the bedding.  Yes?  Me and the couch, people.  Me and the couch.

But, I shall start at the beginning, which was Thursday morning.

All three punks arrived as planned for Thursday at OmaOpa’s house; the E’s with overnight stuff in tow: play clothes, Sunday clothes, extra clothes, hoodies, jammies, toothbrushes, toothpaste, butt paste, spare binkies (so many spare binkies!), a stuffed moose, three blankets, swim diapers, swim suits, boots, sandals, Sunday shoes, two car seats, two bikes, and a stroller.  The Ems traveled with only the essential binky — perfect for a day tripper.

First on the agenda was craft time.










Yes, we did paint.  Yes, they had a blast.  Yes, it was water-based.  Yes, cleaning up is just as fun as painting your face.

Next, hot dogs from Harbor Haute Dogs in the harbor for dinner, minus the Em.  Parking at the Stoner’s, we strolled down to the park, bought our dogs, and enjoyed them with live music. Nomi, because she notices everything, knew that we were in the vicinity of ice cream; of course we got some of that, too.  She also knew that where there is water, there should be sea shells…but alas.  Not this time.

Friday morning followed a semi-rocky Friday night, as boy kept losing his pillow and his binky.  He doesn’t yet say a recognizable “Oma” or “Opa”, but appropriately calls “Daddy!  Daddy!” in the middle of the night, which must be his term for “the daddy person whom I prefer over the mommy person when I need someone to find my binky.”  He’s a good boy, that one.

That morning, we fed ’em and strapped ’em into the car for a trip to the Kitsap Fair.  Woo hoo!





Nomi knew there was a ride for her, and we found it.  First thing on a Friday morning meant she and Opa had the caterpillar roller coaster all to themselves.  Mo thought he needed a ride too, and so did we —






Hamburgers, curly fries and ice cream cones rounded out our morning and sent us home for naps. Oma learned a very good lesson this day: wiping sticky, melty ice cream from a sleeping boy’s face will wake him up, and then he will refuse to take more nap.  She will never do that again.  But, short naps DO mean early bedtimes.

On Saturday, we stayed home and played.  Bike rides in the cul-de-sac, water hoses to overfill a pool, plenty of swingin’ and slidin’, cookie baking and sprinkling, plus some sidewalk chalk on the driveway were just a few of our Saturday activities.






I’ll sign off with a picture of our craft projects, completed very artfully by Nomi, who chose eyes for hers, Mo’s, and Em’s butterflies.  Aren’t they pretty?  Aren’t my windows dirty?

Sunday morning Opa and I successfully completed the hand-off of two little E’s to Grammy and Gramps.  Driving home, we decided that even though we pigs were looking forward to our Sunday naps — we really missed our little people.

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