Water into Dirt; Dirt into Water

Whether the water goes into the dirt, or the dirt goes into the water, the result is the same.

Yesterday we girls made blueberry tarts while Opa and Moses checked on the llamas.  While they cooked, we all did a bit of swinging, sliding, and smacking beach balls around the yard.

For lunch, we picnicked “freestyle” on the deck, with a platter of grilled cheese sandwiches, leftover sausages and pancakes from breakfast, and the blueberries which didn’t fit into our tarts.  Emiline had to be convinced that no, she did not need a plate because she could just grab a sandwich from the platter and eat.  Moses needed no convincing. Thinking that freestyle picnics were just dandy, he’d grab a sandwich, take a bite, and chuck the rest.  This was a win-win for both him and Opa, who ate whatever offerings Moses tossed his way, plus all the crusts left on the platter by the girls, and his very own blueberry tart.  (Later that evening he declared “that lunch was the best lunch I’ve ever had”.)  Good to know.

Little People Project #2 was a Very Hungry Caterpillar “caterpillar” made from foam circles and wiggly eyes.  Naomi, of course, got it.

Emiline, enthusiastic as ever, required a bit more supervision and direction, but the result was nice. (You can also see the leftover enthusiasm for blueberry tarts.  Yum.)

All in all, it was a good day.

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