Sleepover #2


Sleepover #2 involved fetching Emiline on Wednesday morning and whisking her off to Point Defiance Zoo.  Per our usual routine, we shyly greeted Ivan the gorilla’s statue at the entrance.

This shyness did not last long, however.

Not knowing what to expect of the zoo these days (will we see animals? will we be thronged by school groups?) we were pleasantly surprised first to observe an elephant showering inside the elephant barn, and notice that we were three of the few zoo-goers this day:

Soon, Opa needed a Cliff bar for energy, and so did Emiline.  Good thing Oma comes prepared, yes?

Next, we strolled on to the tiger area, where we noticed two keepers inside the enclosure.  Opa rightly surmised that since the keepers were in, the tigers must not be.  But!  as we sat and listened to our punkin explain the “water for tigers”, a keeper walked by and suggested we hang out for five more minutes and she would let the tiger in.  Woo hoo!

Next, we followed tour guide Emmy as she led us inside the building where another tiger paced.

Does our sweet girl look like a tasty tiger morsel?  I think so.

Passing the camels (“hi camel!”) and the penguins (no comment), we skipped/ran/hopped and danced to the fishies.

“Hi fishies! Hi jelly fishies!”

Demonstrating her incredible ability to follow directions, Emiline eagerly used just one finger to touch sea anemones, seaweed, and other critters in the touch tank…and then obediently washed her hands.

Because this kid will eagerly walk/skip/run/dance everywhere, we saw more of the zoo this visit than we have for a while.  Unfortunately, the polar bears weren’t around (“where bears go?”), the arctic fox wasn’t very exciting (“hi doggie?”), the muskox was absent, and the new-mom wolf was napping (who can blame her — she has eight pups says the sign).  Thankfully, though, Kid Zone was the place to spin and slide with abandon, until Opa and Oma suggested a sandwich on the lawn.

Leaving the zoo, Emiline gleefully said “bye gorilla!” and “bye zoo!” and we headed home for naps, dinner, and a bath.

Thursday morning, Emiline was happy to have me help her make blueberry scones for Nomi!  Moses! and Aunty Amy, as you can see by the flour.  “I eat flour?” Ahem.  Cooked scones and fried eggs taste better, punkin.

Just ask your cousin, who’s in line for Sleepover #3.


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