Sleepover #1

It’s sleepover week here at OmaOpa’s house. First, Naomi, and an inaugural movie theater experience.

Toy Story 4 is worth the trip, people, even if you don’t have a 3-year-old granddaughter to impress. For our 9 a.m. pickup time, I packed treats for little bro, Mo. We certainly did not want tears as we exited with his sister and left him home with Mom.

Arriving at Galaxy Theater with normal “Baumgaertel Time” to spare, we all pottied and then purchased popcorn. Naturally, the 10:15 a.m. show was uncrowded, and for a bit of time we had the whole place to ourselves. Because Oma-me is way more fun than Mom-me ever was, I encouraged Naomi to explore to the very top row where she declared one of the corners a perfect “hiding place to snuggle”. But we didn’t.

Instead, we returned to our large, cushy seats to eat popcorn and play with the chair buttons.

When the movie did finally begin, Nomes climbed into my lap and stayed there the whole time, not even asking what was happening and why, even though we both jumped at a few places. Ventriloquist’s dolls are creepy, are they not?

Afterwards we took our granddaughter to lunch.

The Bambini meal at Fondi’s comes with gelato.  Opa and I did not eat gelato, but enjoyed watching Nomes methodically stir hers and “smooth” it across the top.  My own mother would scold us for stirring our ice cream into a slushy mess, and I wonder why?  Was she impatient for us to just eat it and be done?  Was she concerned about drips?  Dunno.

Our evening progressed with plenty of “Mom-and-Dad-and-Kid” play, car ramps, hamburgers, a freezer pop, and wearing “cozy” jammies outside to the sand pile as the sun set.

All in all, Sleepover #1 was a huge success. Naomi declared she would like to spend “more and more and more” nights with us, and doled out hugs and kisses without being prompted.

Tomorrow night is Sleepover #2 with a trip to the zoo with Emiline.

Update:  Two more photos with Oma —

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