Once upon a time, Mr. Mo brought Kitty to OmaOpa’s house. Kitty, who is orange and scruffy, waited patiently on the bench until nap time. Then she joined Mr. Mo in his bed, along with his special nighnie blanket and binkie. They slept for two hours.
After nap, Kitty joined the gang for “Rescuers Down Under” with Opa. At 4:15 p.m., it was time to head for home. Mr. Mo put his boots on and took his coat from the bench. Oma gave him a packet of fruit snacks for the road and waved goodbye.
She came back inside the house to play with Miss Em until her daddy said it was time to leave. Oma gave her a packet of fruit snacks for the road and waved goodbye.
Oma came back inside the house.
There was kitty and nighnie, resting in the middle of the living room floor. “Uh, oh”, thought Oma. She texted mommy: “Mo left kitty and blanket. Tell him Oma will take good care until we can get them back.”
“Oh no!” texted mommy back. “How did we let that happen? Okay, thanks, Oma, he be okay.”
The following Thursday morning, Kitty waited anxiously for Mr. Mo to arrive. Oma had texted, “Tell Mo that Kitty is waiting.”
“My Kitty!” exclaimed Mr. Mo.
When he arrived, Mr. Mo climbed the porch steps and swept Kitty into his arms.
And the day ended as it does most every week — only this time, Kitty went home with her boy.