F Lqahwa: In the Coffee Shop

First of all, punkins, understand that we have been on an unintentional coffee fast in these parts.  Since our room lacks a coffeemaker, we lack coffee.  Coffee exists at breakfast, but it lacks taste.  Coffee shops exist, but are not open these weeks.  You see? 

As Mohammed teaches us about Moroccan culture along with language, yesterday he explained coffee shop culture, along with what drinks are available in the coffee shops and how to order coffee.  If the shops were open.  But they aren’t.

According to Mohammed, coffee shops are a man thing.  “The women, they visit in their homes,” he says.  “Men visit in the coffee shops.”  Also, a man will choose his coffee shop and stick to it – no moving from Starbucks to Cutters, or Starbucks in PO to Starbucks in Gig.  (There are no Starbucks here, BTW.  Just so ya know.)  Once a man chooses his coffee shop, he always gets coffee at that same place; even if he moves across town he takes a taxi or drives back to his coffee shop.  And, he drinks the same drink every time, because that is “his” drink, and the waiter knows this.  The man comes in, sits at the very same table he always chooses, the waiter sees him and brings his hot mint tea or his strong, black coffee, because that is his drink.  No waking up on Tuesday and thinking, “I’m gonna try an iced coffee with milk”.  No.  Same-same.

Plus, at his table will be his friends who also drink their same drinks at this same coffee shop and sit at the same table all the time (a convenient way to visit, eh?).  Since it is considered rude to pay only for your own drink, the man and his friends will take turns picking up the tab – one today, another tomorrow, etc.  Only one pays, and he pays for all at the table. 

What can the man order at his coffee shop?  Well, I’m sure there is more, but according to our “in the coffee shop” lesson, these are on the menu:

1.        Coffee

2.       Coffee with milk

3.       Half coffee and half milk

4.       Coffee with a ‘break’ of milk (just a teeny spoonful)

5.       Tea with mint

6.       Juice

Of course, within these menu items there are further choices.  Coffee strong?  Coffee weak?  Tea hot?  Tea lukewarm?  Tea with mint?  Tea with lots of sugar?  Tea with less sugar? 

So, in the land of coffee shops and coffee choices, we two lack coffee.

Tomorrow, we shall discuss time, of which we have no lack.

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One Response to F Lqahwa: In the Coffee Shop

  1. Anna says:

    When you get home I will buy you a grande breve extra shot latte!

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